Smoke your firefighter interview free download

He shares his unique ability to see the interview through the eyes of the rater. This book is presented in a question-answer format. It provides the candidate with a strong foundation on how to answer over of the questions most commonly asked by fire departments across the country, and provides the rationale as to why the answer is correct. Answers to common situational questions deal with: moral issues, legal issues, violations of policies and procedures, ethical dilemmas, societal obligations, interpersonal conflicts.

This updated book includes additional questions and answers. Get BOOK. Smoke Your Firefighter Interview. Author : Paul S. The more a candidate understands what the firefighter interview raters are looking for, the more he or she will be able to present as the candidate they have been waiting for. Smoke Your Firefighter Interview is packed with pages of invaluable information. Chief Lepore covers over of the most commonly asked fire department interview questions.

The format is simple: The most commonly asked and many not so common fire department interview questions, answers, and reasoning behind the answer. After answering each firefighter interview question, Chief Lepore carefully and thoroughly explains why he has answered the question the way he did.

These reasons often delve into the culture of the fire department and the expectations of a firefighter recruit. In short, anyone can memorize fire department interview questions and answers. Most firefighter interview panels will quickly identify when a candidate has simply memorized answers. When the panel delves into follow-up questions, these candidates are exposed and do not score well.

In addition to providing firefighter questions and answers, Chief Lepore explains the rationale for WHY he answers the question the way he does. This allows the candidate to internalize the concepts that are behind each firefighter interview question.

When questioned, the reader of this book will not waver on his or her answer because they understand the reason for giving their answers.

For the candidate, this will translate into confidence and composure as well as giving the right answer. Chief Lepore includes many firefighter interview follow-up questions as well as explaining the pit falls for many of the questions. Once a candidate understands the firefighter interview process and learns how to present his or her answers, it is not uncommon to get multiple job offers. Instead of struggling to land a job, many candidates are blessed with the ability to select from several departments.

Getting hired on the fire department is all about learning to take a fire department interview.


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