The hive archive download
The Hive merely provides it as a compact collector's database. You may find information as well as misinformation about hazardous, poisonous, or explosive chemicals and methods. All information is given only for those who have the theoretical background, the practical experience, the proper equipment, and a valid permission.
Most forums are open to unregistered visitors. However, for posting you have to register a username by clicking the 'Register' link at the top of the pages. All you have to do is to fill in your nickname and a valid email address to which your password will be sent.
Additionally, registration would give you access to internal forums , to the site-internal emailing system , to a broad control over page layout and fontstyles, and to the email forwarding and notification functions. Before posting a question you should use the Hive 'Search' engine or search the sites given at the bottom of each page and on the 'search page' - most questions have been asked before.
Beginners in the field of chemistry are suggested to start posting in the Newbee Forum. We can offer you a high standard of privacy. The connections between your computer and this server are fully encrypted and no unnecessary information will be stored on this side.
Please bear in mind that no computer system is absolutely leak-proof. All users are strongly suggested to use an anonymous email service like Hushmail or ZipLip and an anonymous proxy server to connect. For more tips about anonymity and privacy go to The Hive Security Check. At the end of your session you can use the 'Logout' link at the top bar of each page to eliminate all cookies set by this site. Please remember that your browser may store sensitive informations in its address bar history, its page history, its page cache and its form completion function.
All these functions can be disabled from the configuration menu of your browser. MD5 Sums and driver versions to check download. Etcher is a recommended tool to write Hive images on the drives. It supports Windows, Mac, Linux. It can write unpacked ZIP archive as well. Alternatively you can use Rufus as an image writing tool. After the image is flashed you will discover newly created drive in your system where you will be able to precreate rig.
Please find rig-config-example. The ready rig. But be careful finding out output disk "of", use fdisk -l to list your partitions. SSDs are much more reliable and advised to use in production environments. If you want to prolong the life of your USB flash drive please run logs-off after installation. Common booting problems forum thread.
This manual will help you. Default login is user password 1 Note: if you set your own password during the first run, you should use it instead. Use ssh [email protected] from Linux or Mac. Windows users can use Putty ssh client. Once you are in run sudo -s to become root user. Start or stop miners, agent, etc. There is a Shellinabox server running on the rig. And of course you can connect monitor to the first GPU in 16x slot if there are some serious problems.
Security forum thread.